Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Back in action!

Total steps yesterday:  6,775
Exercise for today:  40 minutes on the elliptical

It's probably a bad sign that I walked almost three miles yesterday even when I was actively trying to rest my foot one more day.  It makes me realize how much I'm on my feet most days, even if it's not an exercise day. 

Luckily, I'm happy to note that my ankle is 99% better.  I spent most of the day Sunday unable to do more than hobble along, and pretty much just rested, iced, compressed, and elevated my way to the foot feeling much better yesterday, and almost perfect today.  I'd planned a bike ride to ease back in to working out, but didn't realize that my gym only has reclining bikes.  I have never liked those because I get no sense of core engagement like I do with the upright bikes.  So I jumped on the elliptical instead and, other than a few minor twinges here and there, made it the 40 minutes without any major foot issues.  So yay!  RICE, people.  It works. 

I'm still probably going to try really hard to not run until Thursday.  I want to get back to it, but don't want to risk making the injury worse again.  It's so, so hard to say no to running when injured, and it tends to be very easy for most runners to overestimate how quickly they heal.  Especially at this point in my life, I really need to be smart about it and hold back.  So tomorrow might just be a walking day.

Other than that, my mom pointed out on Facebook today that Christmas is only five weeks away.  I don't even understand how time is passing this quickly.  I feel so unprepared for the arrival of Lil W, and so stressed about everything I still need to get, including these rainbow leg warmers that clearly need to be a part of her coming home outfit.  On top of that, I somehow have to figure out Christmas gifts, birthday plans, weekend getaway with friends in NJ, and about a thousand other things.

It's really all too much.  I think I'll take a nap instead.

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