Monday, November 11, 2013

NV Weekend

Total steps over the weekend:  28,332
Exercise for today:  3 mile run

There is nothing better than returning to your own bed after a trip, and when you add in being 27 weeks pregnant, this feeling just gets exponentially better.  I had a great weekend in Nevada seeing friends and family, but my sleep was just terrible.  Part of it was the time change, and the lack of my snoogle, and a few short nights of sleep due to early or late flights.  Either way, I got home yesterday, did the bare minimum number of chores to get ready for the week, and then spent the next 11 hours in bed.  About 50% of that time was spent with Zoe curled up right next to me.  It's like she missed us or something.

Despite the lack of sleep / formal workouts / puppy kisses this weekend, I had a really good time at home hanging with the family and getting to meet two new babies.  It's a different experience holding a newborn when you know you're three months away from holding your own.  Before there was a feeling of "look what my friend made!  Oh, but now she's crying and how quickly can I hand her back to mom without hurting her."  This time around, I felt both incompetent wondering how I'll handle this when it's my own kid, and comfortable with the knowledge that I'll figure it out.  That's a good way to feel.  For his part, I think James was comforted by getting to talk to the other young dads and figuring out some of the ways his life will change and the many ways in which it won't.

It also made us more comfortable with the idea of moving back to Elko.  Not that we were uncomfortable before, but we at least caught a glimpse of how our day to day life would be different and decided we were okay with those differences.  Now we just need to figure out when / how we're going to move our family of 6 living creatures across country.

In Lil W news, we are now at 27 weeks and she weighs almost two pounds, or about the size of a head of cauliflower.  So there's that.  We only have 4 more days in the 2nd trimester.  This pregnancy has very much flown by.  I'm glad that the weather is getting colder as we settle in to the last three months before baby - I think I'll be very much in a nesting / hibernation mode and am glad that that's very acceptable in wintertime. 

Overall, though, it's been a relatively painless pregnancy so far (though Kathryn at 8 weeks in the midst of morning sickness would probably disagree).  I still feel good most days, though I'm always ready to lay down by the end of the day.  I can still run and lift things and catch and throw firewood with the best of them (aren't all pregnant women made to restack firewood with their dads at 27 weeks?  I think that's a standard pregnancy checklist item). 

I'm excited to go for a run in a few hours.  Every run feels like an experiment in whether or not my good running luck will last.  At this point, I'm really just hoping I can at least run/walk during the 5k I'm doing in early December.  I want to hit that goal, and then I'll reevaluate to see how I'm feeling and whether or not I can push through the two months of running after that.  I'm sure I'll keep you updated on my progress!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Kathryn - it was so good to have you here. I'm glad you're safely home with your snoogle and your Zoegle. You look wonderful (WONDERFUL!) and it was so nice to see you mid pregnancy!! Whether before or after delivery, whatever shakes out and whenever you move, I am so happy that we had this visit now. I saw Lisa today, and it was fun to share our excitement about you moving here. I love you and James and Lil W, and I'm just waiting to hear what the plan(s) will be. Run on, amazing woman!! I am proud to be your mama. :)
