Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Care packages and cupcakes

Total steps yesterday:  14,026
Exercise for today:  2 mile run

Just a few minor updates for today.

First, I have the best sister in law ever who sent me a wonderful care package.

You know she's amazing because she supports my nasty pumpkin spice latte habit.  I haven't tried these yet but have thought about grabbing them every time I'm in Starbucks lately.  I'm looking forward to some experimenting and will mostly likely devote a whole blog post (or two) to discussing their awesomeness.

Also, she must be a little bit psychic because I've just started noticing dryness and other stretching stomach issues and have been meaning to pick up some lotion for the last week.  Lo and behold, now I don't have to do that.  So thanks Maria!

I don't know if I've ever talked about how James is weird and doesn't like dessert.  But every once in a while we'll find a place he likes, and then I get to drag him along for my sweet tooth cravings, and it's the best.  The most recent discovery was a cupcake shop that makes perfect cupcakes.  I won't tell you how much we've spent on them in the last few days, because it's shameful.  I also won't tell you how many I've eaten, because it's even more shameful.

Anyway, on my last cupcake run on Monday, I'd picked up extra cupcakes for us so we could have dessert on Tuesday night without me having to make another cupcake run.  I ate mine right after dinner, but James saved his for later in the evening.  And then at around 9 p.m. he did the nicest, most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me.

He gave me his cupcake.  And I was pretty much like this:

Cupcakes dog

I really do have the best husband ever.  He's clearly going to be a great father.

1 comment:

  1. I need like buttons. Preferably at the end of each sentence . . .
    And after every gif. Hilarious!!
