Saturday, September 21, 2013

To Do List

Total steps yesterday:  13,144
Exercise for today:  yoga


It was a miracle.  I actually didn't hate yoga this morning.  I actually kind of...liked it?  Part of that is because James woke up super early today (4:30) and I got several hours of blissful sleep with the bed all to myself before he woke me up at 7 to go get breakfast.  That's a great way to start Saturday.

I went in to class with a better attitude than normal and felt pretty good and strong the whole time.  It was my third week with the substitute for the regular instructor, and she's growing on me.  She still does silly things like ask us each to share a word we want to dedicate to our child (apparently "contentment" is acceptable but "energy" isn't), but for the most part it was a good class.  

James had made a mellow mix cd for me a few weeks back and it's the best ever after yoga when I can't handle the news or country music.  When I got in my car, this song started playing and I started crying like a crazy person imagining singing it to Lil W.  I've decided the best love songs probably apply to your kids as much as your partner:

I want to listen to this song after yoga always.

The day is starting to get blustery, so I think it will be pretty much a "hang close to home and bake" kind of day.  I did make James run out to the store with me so I could get the ingredients I need to make apple green chili with cheddar crust pie.  So good and my favorite thing to bake.  The grocery store happened to be near the frozen yogurt place, so I obviously had to get some peanut butter/banana fro yo with peanut butter cups on top for lunch.  So so good.  And I'm sure it had calcium and potassium that I need right now, right?

Making this salad for dinner tonight and I cannot wait.  It'll actually round out my day with relative health in comparison to my lunch.

And that's all that's planned for today.  Given the likely weather, it's unlikely that I'll hit my 10,000 steps today, but I'm okay with it.  I'm counting awesome yoga as good exercise for the day.

1 comment:

  1. You can definitely check both those things off your to do list. Way to rock it!
